Black Lives Matter.

We denounce systemic racism and social injustice. As a team and also individual human beings, we stand firmly that Black Lives Matter. In every disaster zone, battlefield and community we work in, we know that actionable change is all that matters. Talk is, even if from the heart and profoundly felt, easier than doing the hard work to make a difference.

Building Momentum is a company of action, and we intend to do the following to support our rhetoric. Effective immediately, Building Momentum will:

  • Offer use of The Garden free to Black community members who want to use our workshop for change - whether it be protest signs, protective gear, works of art, or other media in response to social injustice

  • Provide our space in Alexandria, The Garden, for free to community organizations for moderated discourse and discussion for community members to gather and have the difficult conversations around race

  • Commit to providing diversity and inclusion and de-escalation training for our team by the end of 2020.

We will continue to research ways Building Momentum’s actions can affect community change and release an updated statement detailing these actions soon. At Building Momentum and The Garden, we believe in being thoughtful, honest, flexible, respectful, balanced and passionate problem solvers. We believe that Black Lives Matter.

Mary Stoffel